In most Alberta child support cases, the parent with whom the child lives (the custodial parent) will be entitled to receive child support payments from the non-custodial parent). However, the issue does not stop there. The question remains: how much money will the non-custodial parent be required to pay?
The answer to this question can be estimated by utilizing Canada’s Federal Child Support Guidelines. Furthermore, online calculators are available that parents can use to enter the non-custodial parent’s income level and number of children. Using this information, the online calculator will determine the amount of child support owed based on the federal guidelines.
Still, child support estimates provided by using the online calculator or by simply using the federal guidelines may not be perfectly accurate. There are a lot more pieces of information that must be gathered and considered in a child support matter. For example, if shared parenting arrangements are made, this could affect the amount child support owed by either parent.
Non-wage income — like commissions, bonuses and stock shares — might also change the amount of child support owed by a parent. Other things that need to be considered include extracurricular expenses for the child, adult special-needs children and unusually high or unusually low incomes.
Finally, over time, a parent’s child support obligation might change. For example, as a child grows, an Alberta resident’s income changes or residency and custody arrangements are altered over time, all this can affect an Alberta parent’s child support responsibilities may change.
At [nap_names id=”FIRM-NAME-1″], we help parents navigate their child support matters to ensure that they are fairly treated. Regardless of whether you are owed child support or are ordered to pay it, we will advocate to protect your rights.